Comics and Illustration Gigs

I have some small gigs for interested artists from time to time. They pay in whatever you prefer from cash, trade, credit, or all of the above. Please note that these gigs are subject to change or cancellation, but I will try to do so only if it means a better result for the artist(s) affected.

Here is what's currently available:

Distro Gig: Comics Cube Series 1

I'm trying a new promotional thing which is a 2 inch cube with a 4 panel comic on the outside and some promotional stuff inside, like fun miniatures, mini zines, weird objects and so on. It will be available in a limited run both here online and in a vending machine on my table at shows. I'm seeking submissions for:

Distro Gig: Fall & Winter Catalog

The catalog will always exist online but I will also publish a seasonal print version to give out at shows, hopefully drive readers to this site, and give some of the distro artists another space to show what they're up to.

So in addition to submitting your zines and comics for listing in the catalog itself, I'm looking for: