Parent and Teacher Resources

As a parent who has done some teaching and has been around educators most of my life, I have always been very mindful of the positive impacts that reading and making comics can have on us at any age. For children I think the main benefits include literacy skills (for both text and artwork), stimulating the imagination, and even providing positive modeling for difficult situations. A perfect example of these qualities would be the best-selling books of Raina Telgemeier, who has written and drawn autobiographical graphic novels about very relatable problems like getting braces, having a sibling, and friend group dynamics.

Zines have the added benefit of being something that anyone (including kids) can make easily themselves, with nothing but printer paper and a pencil if need be. I started making zines myself at about the age of 15 as part of a thing called an Amateur Press Association - in those pre-internet days it opened my eyes to new friends and fandoms and encouraged me to explore making all kinds of art.

When I get more time I will organize some information here for you in a more organized way but in the meantime here are some links to get you started:

Not sure where to start? I think the following books are essential for every cartoonist’s library: