
We are very trade-positive here at BRB. If you are a creator who wants to trade zines - either inventory for the distro or just from your own collection - I'm always happy to make you an offer in cash and in distro credit. You can also take a combination of both depending on your interests.

If you are interested in arranging a trade-in, send me a message with a description of what you are trading and photos if possible. I will reply as soon as I can with my offer based on the same criteria as the submission process.

Remainder Service

If you are a creator-publisher or a dealer you might be interested in taking advantage of our Remainder Service. Similar to the book trade, this would involve you "remaindering" some of your inventory with the distro in bulk - overstocked books or zines for example. You can use the regular submission form to give me the details and I will reply with an offer.

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